Before the invention of cell phones, traditional marketers followed a standard purchasing funnel that included raising product awareness, learning about target customers’ preferences and interests, and finally closing sales. Many encounters between customers and sales professionals take place at various phases of the funnel.
However, due to the impatience of internet users, the rules have changed today.
According to a Microsoft study, people have an attention span of eight seconds, down from 12 seconds in 2000. Every year, the human attention span declines by 88 percent. The traditional buying funnel is blurring as people’s attention spans shorten, pushing businesses to modify their content marketing methods.
That is to say, be present when it matters.
The word “micro-moments” is used by Google’s marketing team to describe when customers desire to learn something, do something, travel somewhere, or buy something. Now.
The tech behemoth should know: it brought in $137 billion in revenue last year, with a large portion of that coming from online advertising.
Customers want what they want, when they want it and are drawn to brands that can provide, according to Google. Your firm can generate revenue at that moment by advertising, social media promotion, helpful content, and so on, but the key is to be present at the exact appropriate time.
“Wherever your target customer consumes content, your brand must be there.” This can assist you to determine where your audience is most likely to make a purchase,” says Alexander Nygart, CEO of White Shark Media, a digital marketing business that was among the first to join Google Partners. “Because consumers are impatient, swooping in at the right time can make all the difference.” “Learning about micro-moments and how they interact with your products can result in a significant increase in conversions and brand engagement.”
Computers are meant to be used for browsing. Mobile and social media are tools for getting things done.
Companies spend money on-site text, pamphlets, freebies, and engaging sales personnel at trade exhibitions – anything to get people to look at their products. However, if a target audience is busy or preoccupied, it will not pay attention.
The digital environment is quite distracting. It can be difficult to attract a potential customer’s attention when there are so many apps, notifications, and text messages popping up every second. Budgets are squandered on insignificant aspects of the user journey or when audiences are completely uninterested.
“Smartphone users have a bias for doing things,” adds Nygart, “such as playing games, chatting, and making reservations.” “Marketers may convert during micro-moments and create content for when customers need information or a product right now.”
Millennials and Generation Z are engrossed in their mobile devices, and your advertising message may be overlooked as a source of distraction. During micro-moments, however, conversion is possible. When individuals look for things on their phones, they take action — according to Google, 92 percent of those who searched on their phones made a linked purchase.
When customers are researching, doing something, or planning a trip, your company’s content or product must be really useful. Consumers prefer to complete a task as soon as possible during micro-moments.
Longer periods between awareness and conversion are rare. In a congested market, your company must be available at the proper time or users will rapidly go on to another site, platform, or brand.
The tempo is hectic, reflecting the hyper-speed with which today’s youth spend their lives. Whether important or not, urgency wins out, and that is the most critical thing for marketers to consider when developing their plans.