Why Is Organic SEO Important? If this is one question that you are asking yourself, read on.
Search engine optimization is a great digital marketing tactic a business can use get noticed.
Gone are the days when we were told, just build it they will come. Hyper-competition is alive and well. Daily, it goes to ‘work’ to ensure that this doesn’t happen.
Well, not just for you. This happens to all businesses. New and old. The few that soar are the ones that hold nothing back in terms of innovative marketing and the need to get in the faces of their prospects.
But why am I at your doorstep trying to persuade you look at your SEO? I want you to succeed. Convinced? No. Let me give you more reasons.
Here are 3 reasons why you need to consider SEO:
1. Sustainable Growth
Sam Gichuru, (Kenyan Entrepreneur) once tweeted, ‘If you want to have a very close connection with God, you start a business.’
Ideally what he meant to say, is that business is tough and more often than not, things won’t go as planned. Hindering all your growth plans. You are either dealing with a human resource problem or a financial problem at any given time.
Since mostly it will be a financial problem, you find yourself lacking the money to invest in paid advertising. Consequently, losing your spot on the search results. Why? Because all along your spot was fueled by paid advertisements.
As a result, if paid advertising meant you enjoyed huge traffic among other paid advertising benefits you no longer do.
But with a properly executed organic search strategy, you are guaranteed that your website traffic will continue to increase even without running any paid advertisement as a result of reduced cash flow.
2. Affordable Lead Generation
One of the most important metric we look out for in marketing are leads. Which we then pass onto the sales team to follow up and depending on the process – close.
Leads means business.
In comparison to paid avenues, organic SEO can be less expensive.
A well-executed organic SEO strategy can guarantee your business leads through the year. Since, you will not be dependent on paid advertisement to get leads.
3. Builds Trust and Brand Awareness
Search Engine optimization is one way to get known and as a result cement a level of trust amongst your prospective clients.
When prospects are doing their research using search engines and get to see your brand offering answers and or positioned just right with what they are looking for – on a consistent basis, it goes a long way in building.
You come out as trustworthy. You become a household name.
When your content ranks for first position, it keeps your business on the searchers’ mind.
Optimizing for organic search can help your brand appear in rich results like map packs and featured snippets (aka SERP features). Appearing in these can help prove yourself as an authority on the popular topics in your niche.
When it’s all said and done we would highly encourage you to factor working on your organic SEO.